Innovative Learning Technology Initiative: Request for Proposals
UCLA Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
To: Deans, Department Chairs, Vice Provosts, Administrative Officers, UC Ladder-rank Faculty, LSOEs and LPSOEs
Dear Colleagues:
The University of California Office of the President has issued a Request for Proposals for the Innovative Learning Technology Initiative.
Funding will be awarded for either of the following:
- transforming a face-to-face course or a hybrid course to a fully online version; or
- developing an entirely new, fully online course.
Funding is restricted to fully online undergraduate courses only. All UC ladder-rank faculty members, LSOEs and LPSOEs are eligible to apply for ILTI support, and cross-campus partnerships are encouraged. Proposals are due Sunday, November 9, at 6 p.m.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please read the RFP, FAQs and associated materials from the Office of the President carefully — all proposals must meet course, department, campus and UC requirements.
UCLA has developed a website to provide further guidance about the application process, and your school’s or division’s instructional technology unit also may be a helpful resource. For additional guidance and assistance, please contact Kumiko Haas (x59149) or Michelle Lew (x59140) at the Office of Instructional Development, or Jim Williamson (x58692) at the Office of Information Technology. They can also be reached by email at
Please send a copy of any submitted proposals (including those involving partnership with other campuses) to Kumiko, Jim and Michelle at the email address above. This will enable us to determine the institutional resources that may be needed to support funded projects.
I want to thank the Academic Senate for its strong contributions to planning the systemwide development of ILTI and our campus response. Online courses are an increasingly important tool for helping UCLA enhance the quality of undergraduate education.
Thank you for your interest in online education and best of luck with your proposals.
Scott L. Waugh
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost