Plans and reports from campus committees and task forces commissioned by the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost appear below.

Joint Task Force on the Future of Graduate Programs and Graduate Student Support Report (PDF)

This Task Force was charged in February 2023, and comprised of members of the Academic Senate and individuals within the administration with responsibilities relating to graduate education and labor relations. The charge tasked members with recommending answers to a series of questions regarding financial support for graduate students and programs, academic training and employment, graduate program size and the relationship between graduate and undergraduate programs.

Accessibility and Instruction Working Group Report (PDF)

Students have a right to an accessible education, and our mandate as a public institution is to serve and educate all of our students equitably. It is imperative to find solutions to increase access to all students. The workgroup has considered current and defining teaching modalities, mapping campus initiatives and aims to identify the benefits and challenges of options that improve accessibility and instruction for all students.

UCLA Strategic Plan 2023-28 - Creating the Future (PDF)

Bruins are driven by the immense impact we have on the communities we serve. The question at the heart of UCLA’s 2023-28 strategic plan is how we deepen our impact at a moment of transformation within our broader society, within Los Angeles and within our university. In short: how can we create the future?

Joint Task Force on the Academic Mission of UCLA Campus Expansion Report (PDF)

The Joint Task Force on the Academic Mission of UCLA Campus Expansion (JTF) was jointlyappointed by Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (EVC/P) Hunt and Academic SenateChair Cattelino to consider optimal academic programmatic uses of the newly acquired UCLAcampus expansion in Rancho Palos Verdes.

DataX Strategy Task Force Report (PDF)

This report is the product of extensive campuswide consultation, and describes a bold, transformational and inclusive strategy for our campus. The DataX Initiative is poised to build a vibrant, interdisciplinary campus community at the intersection of data science and society. This work includes identifying collaborators and champions across campus, developing a communications apparatus to enable a robust online home for DataX, coordinating a rich salon series, and curating mechanisms to support data and data-adjacent efforts across UCLA.

Bruin Budget Model White Paper (PDF)

Academic Planning and Budget (APB) has designed a new budget model for UCLA at the request of the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost, and Vice Chancellor/Chief Financial Officer. This represents one of UCLA’s most substantial budget model innovations since its founding in 1919. Four years of extensive research on best practices, coupled with internal/external consultations, have yielded the Bruin Budget Model, a hybrid resource allocation framework customized for UCLA. The BBM was originally slated to take effect on July 1, 2022.

Report of the Working Group on Reinventing the UCLA Workplace of the Future (PDF)

With the expectation that many campus activities and programs will resume in Fall 2021, the experience gained during the pandemic has allowed us to formulate principles and recommendations about reinventing the UCLA workplace of the future.

Mitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Faculty Working Group Report (PDF)

In response to Academic Council’s recommendations, President Drake requested that Provost Brown form the Mitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Faculty Working Group. The group was charged with the review and prioritization of fifteen “immediate” and six “long-term” recommendations from the Academic Council, the assessment of actions already taken by campuses to mitigate COVID-19 impacts on faculty, and advising UCOP on data and metrics to help UC define the issues faced as a result of COVID-19.

Summer Sessions Committee Report (PDF)

The focus of the Summer Sessions Committee is to explore how to build upon and expand the current academic and non-academic offerings of Summer Sessions in a strategic and cost-effective manner for the benefit of students and their overall educational experience.

Administration of Teaching, Learning and Services Committee (ATLAS) (PDF)

ATLAS is examining ways in which we can better coordinate and manage the administration, organization, and resources for campus units that provide critical support and services to teaching, learning, training, pedagogy, learning management systems, classroom support, assessment, and evaluation, as well as in some instances engaging in research related to these areas.