Take our Survey: Join Us in Revitalizing UCLA’s True Bruin Values

April 17, 2024

Dear Bruin Community:

I am excited to invite you all to participate in an effort to update UCLA’s True Bruin Values. These values were established circa 2005 to align with UC’s Statement of Ethical Values, and they are designed to provide a set of high-level principles for how we can thrive as a diverse academic community and how students, staff and faculty aspire to treat one another.

Now, nearly 20 years after they were established, we have an opportunity to revisit — together — what values we hold most dear and what is most important to us as a campus community. In order to best achieve the goals outlined in Creating the Future: UCLA Strategic Plan 2023–28, we must clearly define our aspirations for how we show up for and with one another in service of our mission. 

Please take 5 minutes to fill out the UCLA True Bruin Values Refresh survey by April 29.


This is your chance to have your voice heard about UCLA values and culture, both current and aspirational. 

Our vision in refreshing the True Bruin Values is to: 

  • create an active source of inspiration and accountability for the UCLA community;
  • unite staff, faculty and students with a shared sense of purpose; 
  • strengthen and cultivate diverse perspectives; and
  • create values that are not just words, but principles that drive the way people navigate UCLA and collaborate with one another. 

This survey marks the beginning of our journey together to redefine what is most important to us. I am grateful to a newly formed steering committee that will move this work forward and continue to share updates with the Bruin community. 

We look forward to hearing your voice and incorporating it into the future of UCLA.


Darnell Hunt
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost