Search/Advisory Committee: Search for Dean of the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering

November 21, 2022

Dear Colleagues:

A search/advisory committee has been assembled and charged with identifying candidates for the dean of the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering.

Paul H. Krebsbach, dean of the School of Dentistry and professor of dentistry, is chair of the committee. Other members are:

  • Henry V. Burton – associate professor and Presidential Chair in Structural Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Linda L. Demer – professor of medicine, physiology and bioengineering; vice chair, Department of Medicine
  • Timothy J. Deming – professor of bioengineering, and chemistry and biochemistry
  • Mona Jarrahi – professor and Northrop Grumman Endowed Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Jennifer Jay – professor and vice chair for graduate education; equity, diversity and inclusion officer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; professor, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
  • Adrienne Lavine – professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
  • John W. Mamer – professor of management
  • Jaime Marian – professor and vice chair of graduate education, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
  • Philippe Sautet – distinguished professor and vice chair for graduate education, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; distinguished professor of chemistry and biochemistry
  • Lixia Zhang – distinguished professor of computer science; Jonathan B. Postel Professor of Computer Science

To enhance the search effort, we have retained an executive search firm, Isaacson Miller, represented by Belén Gutiérrez, Cati Mitchell-Crossley and Vijay Saraswat.

Since the most effective way to identify outstanding prospective candidates is through personal contact, I would very much appreciate your circulating the announcement and notifying the search/advisory committee of any individuals you feel are exceptionally well qualified for the position. The committee also welcomes input on ideal qualities and qualifications for the dean; current opportunities, challenges and priorities that could help set the agenda for the school; and any other information or insight that will help guide the committee’s efforts. We expressly invite input and nominations via the online survey, by email to our confidential search address or by contacting Traci Considine, manager of executive recruitment in the Office of the Chancellor at Inquiries and applications may also be sent to our search consultants at All correspondence will be held in strict confidence among committee members and consultants.

Thank you for your assistance.


Darnell Hunt
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost