Call for Nominations: Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

December 2, 2022

Dear Colleagues:

As announced earlier this fall, we are moving forward with a number of administrative changes that will strengthen UCLA’s commitment to teaching excellence, including a search for the inaugural vice provost for teaching and learning (VPTL), which Chancellor Block and I have decided to fill through an internal search process.

The VPTL will be a key resource for, and driver of, excellence, innovation and collaboration in teaching and learning across all university academic programs.

I invite you to review the full position announcement and to send your recommendations for potential candidates to, ideally by Wednesday, Dec. 21. A small advisory committee drawn from a slate provided by the Academic Senate Committee on Committees will review the nominations and provide me with their observations and recommendations.

I very much appreciate your input and look forward to receiving your nominations.


Darnell Hunt
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost